Hello everyone,
desiring to add any social media network plugin to your blog or website could
be one of the things that could help your expertise at least a bit in working
on blog or any website(s).
how mine went; I’ve been wishing to link my social media profiles to my blogs,
at least one if not all; then I reached out to learn how to. I've learned! And
I'm here to teach you how to too.
write first on Facebook
Plugin for now while I’ll complete with that of Twitter
in my subsequent posts.
Lest I forget: "Be mindful
of this that almost every adjustment(s)/formatting whatsoever you may desire to
make to your blog or other site(s) depends on how many code-lines you can
So, let's begin with how to generate the code via your
Facebook page with these steps:
First, Sign in to
your Facebook page;
Then Go to "Settings" option
Click on “Follower” Option, at the left side of the current
copy the code under the “Follower Plugin”
That's it! Code generated!
Now, let’s test-run this using “blogger.com” as a sample Blog site:
add the plugin; follow these steps:
in to your blog page;
on the blog you want to add the plug in to (if you
have several blogs on blogger.com)
Select the “Layout” option
Then click on “Add Gadget”
Select “HTML/JavaScript”
and click the “+”
button to add the gadget page
Then paste the copied code in
the Gadget “Content” box
make sure you "Save" the arrangement of the "Layout"
before exiting the page.
And you’re done!
Hope this helps.
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