Thursday, 14 August 2014

Defeating Your Weaknes Via Your Gadgets

To all human is an iota of impatience allocated in one or some areas of life by nature. Some by association got theirs right from childhood, teen-hood and while others got their developed unknowingly to them as adult through other means.

In whichever category you fall, the basic "cause" of the impatience might difficult to trace probably due to your concurrent dwelling in the realm. 

Research tell us that whatever habit we learn and repeatedly operate in/on for a period of twenty-one (21) days will become part of us and it will be "difficult" to do away with.
That's true! I'm a typical study case for this.

I've been consistently hanging out with my PC which almost last in hours and as a result I often times get "not to be myself" if I've been too away from it.
You see! So, also does our "bad side(s) or good side(s).
To combat this impatient habit of a thing which might have been harming you, I'm recommending some simple Technological-based Innovative way for you to fight with. Here are some devices/gadgets which I've studied in the cause of time and will really help you fight them squarely:

1. A BlackBerry Phone: one of the benefits of this Research In Motion smartphone is how it was built to load all of its proper functionalities including all the Apps and its Software Security Verification for some time before finally coming up to the normal home screen. As it is know to all who have been using Blackberry product(s) for either a long time or short that if you restart your smartphone either by removing your battery or by using the combination of keys method (I mean by pressing "Shift+alt+del" buttons simultaneously); you are left with no option THAN to wait till it boots up. And that could sometimes take couple of minutes depending on the number of applications you have installed on it.
No matter how urgent the call(s) you wanna make or the message you wanna send by the means of the device, YOU HAVE TO WAIT till it comes up.

You see, that's a perfect avenue to teach yourself patient,isn't it?. It may sound so simple to you, BUT IT WORKS. 
Assuming, your Blackberry smartphone takes up to five (5) minutes to boot up while you're in hurry, you will have to calm your hastiness down and wait for the allotted "booting period". And who can tell, that three (3) minutes could have saved you some troubles or even preserve your life.
2. The HTC Vivid family: You're surprise I didn't generalized it for the HTC smartphone? No, I'm not! For every Android OS smartphone which I have come across which are of the "family" of HTC Vivid, for instance, the HTC PH39100, it takes couple of minutes to do a self- upgrading of all its Apps while it been turned on. Though, some other smaller HTC smartphones doesn't necessarily undergo the Apps upgrading process by the virtue of the reason which is out of my reach. For instance, my HTC Vivid PH39100 falls into this category of HTC Vivid phones which run the self-upgrading process, and mine have to run all of the sixty-two (62) Apps I have on it; and you can tell that those Apps won't be upgrade in couple of seconds,NO! With you having an instance of my HTC Vivid phone as yours, it will be of help in killing impatient.
Let me stop here for now.
Lay your hands on this smartphone and become a better YOU.

"Remember; smartphone aren't just for communication between entities, rather it is also for our personal development".
Stay Lifted!